Monday, May 26, 2008

Pictures from last week

These are the pictures from teaching a class at a university last week. First, a picture of me! The students gave me the green ribbon at the start of the class. It's meant to be a symbol of new life; it's a show of support for the earthquake survivors. Everyone in the class was wearing one.

This is the regular teacher of the class; she is the one who brought me in to teach.

This guy was pretty cool. He asked a lot of questions; only a handful of students were responsible for most of the volunteering.

In this picture you can see that the topic for the class was "earthquake & religion". Really, they were more interested in free discussion, although several students had some very moving things to say about the earthquake (yes, in English). This guy was the first to speak up, he gave a very good speech about it.

Three girls in the class! What more can I say about this picture?

The end of the class was time to take photos with everyone. This is a smaller group than the next photo -

- which is all the girls in the class. They told the boys to piss off (politely), because they wanted a girls-only photo with me. As you'll see in the next photo, there weren't that many boys to begin with.

And finally, the whole class.

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