Saturday, April 26, 2008

Pants and Dancing Oh My!

Yesterday I went shopping, and bought some natty new threads. I really thought I'd have more to say about that, but I don't - new pants, new shirts, and a new pair of shoes.

Today, I taught at the vocational school again, and I gave two of the classes my QQ number (QQ is a messenger service, like MSN or Yahoo). I had a nap in the afternoon, and when I woke up a dozen odd people had added me! So, now I have a bunch of Chinese teenagers whose names I don't know on my QQ friends list. It's going to be interesting trying to figure out who is who.

Today at work we had a games sharing session before classes; we had one yesterday, too. All the teachers demonstrate a game or two, so that the other teachers can get new ideas. Anyway, today's session ended up with everyone dancing at the end, after something vaguely related to a game that involved dancing. It turns out one of the teachers - a new teacher, currently in training, called Keiko - is pretty damn good at "street dancing". I'll have to see if she knows any salsa.

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