Monday, December 17, 2007

A Lazy Day and a Short Entry

Phew. I'm glad the weekend is over. Saturday and Sunday both go like this: wake up, have breakfast, teach, have lunch, teach, go home, have dinner, sleep. Today the only thing of consequence I'm doing is my laundry.

Milk tea is very common over here - tea made with milk instead of (not in addition to) hot water. You can buy it pre-made, just like iced tea. I haven't tried that yet, but I have tried making my funky herbal tea with soy milk instead of water, and it's delicious. Ah, I haven't shown you my funky herbal tea, yet, have I? It comes in little plastic bags full of leaves and fungus and flowers and dried fruit. Here it is, before I started making it with milk:


Vicki said...

I'm glad it tastes delicious - it looks disgusting!

Unknown said...

The pics from yesterday were very cool. What's this stuff made of, your tea?, type of fruit, leaves etc